Chris Atkinston

How To Get Free Music For a Month

Why You Need To Try Pandora; Get Free Music For a Month Spotify, the world’s leading music streaming service, is expensive. At $9.99 per month for the standard subscription, it costs about $120/year. People are getting wise to the value of Pandora, which is free for a month. Anyone with even half-a-brain knows you get … Read more

When This Is Over We Might Get A Rock Revival

“Rock is dead!”  “Rock is dead, finally!!” “This is last gasp of Rock and Roll!!!” Yah man, we’ve read all your catchy headlines. People have been blowing that boring old tired horn for DECADES. You can save it. We’re not going to declare that rock and roll will never die, or that rock and roll … Read more

Spotify Alternatives: Top and Latest

Finding an alternative to Spotify to be tough, sometimes it seems like they have complete domination on the music streaming market; however, there is hope and some are doing a better job. #1 Pandora Music BONUS You can get Pandora Music FREE for 3 months with our exclusive offer. Pandora music streaming is great because it’s an American … Read more

How Big Artists Hack Spotify

As of right now, a single stream on Spotify pays roughly $0.0035 and it doesn’t look to be changing anytime soon. How do artists make more money from Spotify? Think of your favorite artist. When was the last time you listened to them? What about before that? You probably don’t listen to one artist all … Read more

The Mysterious Sound In ‘Jump Around’

‘House of Pain’ is everyone’s favorite Irish rap group. House of Pain is also the only Irish rap group people know. Nonetheless, if someone asked us what ‘hype’ sounded like, it would be that sound in Jump Around. Is it a screech? Or a squeal? The group did not create the noise from scratch (and … Read more

An Honest Masterclass Review

Aug 22 Ask yourself this question: Is Masterclass worth it for me? To be honest, the problem isn’t the value. $15/month is a steal. In fact, it seems too good to be true. Especially if you enjoy food, music, film, art, photography….maybe not sports (read on). The quality of the classes is the best we’ve … Read more

Free Masterclass List For Music Makers

Pharrell Williams Masterclass with Students at NYU Clive Davis Institute. (Free on Youtube) Best For: Producing pop songs. Pharrell Williams’ NYU Masterclass is famous for introducing the world to Maggie Rogers. They premiered her song Alasksa to the class and Pharrell’s reaction was priceless. Watching him hear it for the first time is priceless. Pharrell … Read more

Alicia Keys Masterclass Review: Music Lessons and Life Lessons In One.

“★★★★” If you love music, or you consider yourself an artist, Masterclass is a great subscription. The Alicia Keys Masterclass is a perfect blend of philosophy, theory, and life lessons. You get full access to Alicia Keys Masterclass with any subscription. Access Alicia Keys Masterclass for $15 per month 3 things I can guarantee you’ll … Read more

Is Masterclass Worth It? Ask Yourself 3 Questions.

Access Masterclass for $15 per month Is Masterclass worth it?” – this shouldn’t be the question. The question should be: Is Masterclass worth it for me: Can you afford it? Most likely yes. If you have subscriptions like Spotify, Netflix, HBO, Apple, or you eat out, you could probably cut back on something this year. … Read more

Should You Switch Music Streaming?

If you’re getting tired of the same type of playlists, user experience, or your wallet needs a break, you might want to consider switching to another music streaming platform, for free. “Its not just Spotify and Apple anymore, brands are offering more”” For example, Pandora is free for 3 months right now and people could … Read more

Live Music Is On Its Way Back

There are very some strong indicators showing live music coming back. Some could argue in a big way. New Zealand just packed 50,000 people into a stadium this week for a music festival and this coming May 11th, the UK’s Brit Awards will host 4000 fans with no social distance protocols. So, how long will … Read more